My physical therapist set a lower bar. 5 minutes of walking, 1 minute of running. Repeated three times. So basically running for three minutes. What a snoozefest...but I'll take what I can get. I was ready to get back out in a few days and try again.
My Bible. I can only advance to the next level when I've done the current level 2-3 times with no adverse reactions (swelling, pain, etc). |
Then, I had an allergic reaction to the tape I was using on my ankle. My entire leg was covered in hives and was severely itchy. couldn't start using different tape until that rash went away. And I couldn't start running without tape to support my tendon. Sigh.
Fast forward two weeks,the rash is finally gone, but it's snowing cats and dogs (that's a thing, right?). This morning, it was only eight degrees, but the sidewalks had melted in yesterday's sun so I couldn't resist the temptation. I walk/ran my heart out, and by that I mean I slowly jogged and power walked most of the way.
Appreciating the little things, like the nearly constant winter sunshine in Colorado. |